Club Constitution

Status: Approved AGM – 26th February 2021

  1. Title

The title is Sheffield Running Club (thereafter: the club).  

  1. Object of the Club

The object of the club is to provide facilities for and promote participation of the whole community in the sport of road and cross country running. 

  1. Home

The main location is English Institute of Sport, Coleridge Road, Sheffield S9 5DA.

  1. Non-profit making

Any surplus income or gains must be reinvested in the club.  Surpluses or assets cannot be distributed to members or third parties unless subject to clause 18.

  1. Mission statement

The club caters for athletes of all ages, development, and abilities to enhance their potential in road and cross country running.  The club aims to support the members’ goals through well qualified and experienced coaching, dedicated to the needs of the athletes and their athletic skills.  In addition, the club cooperates with the relevant national, regional, and local bodies to provide facilities and infrastructure from grass roots to international level.  The activities of the club strive to provide enjoyment and challenging competitive opportunities, which is based on a socially responsible foundation.  The club welcomes any members whatever their social, religious, or ethnic origin.   

  1. Objectives
  1. Encourage active involvement in and development of the sport of road and cross country running.
  2. In accordance with the sport’s promoting bodies, to popularise these forms of athletic exercise through the production of a development plan.
  3. Promote equality of opportunity and good race relations.
  4. Encourage the participation of disabled athletes in road and cross-country events.
  5. Adopt and implement a member protection policy.
  6. Provide coaching in road and cross country running available to all members.
  7. Promote and organise competitive events in road and cross country running for all age groups.
  8. Organise teams to represent the club in area, regional and national championships, leagues and other competitions.
  9. The club shall pay the appropriate affiliation fees annually to the relevant administrative bodies for road and cross country running.
  10. The club will be fully inclusive in all its activities, operating in an open, honest, and transparent way.
  11. The club will hold a bank account through which all its financial transactions will be managed.
  12. Financial borrowing powers. The club will have authorised signatories with the power to borrow monies or purchase goods on credit in the name of the club and on behalf of the club.  The credit cards will be held by the General Secretary, Treasurer and Race Secretary with a limit of £500. 
  1. Membership

Membership of the club shall be open to all persons irrespective of ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, religion or beliefs; or of age, sex or disability except as a necessary consequence of the requirements of road and cross country running as a particular sport.

All members will be amateurs as defined by UK Athletics, and any other governing body which may supersede it.

The minimum age of entry is 16 years.  Each applicant for membership must complete the official application form.  All applications shall be considered and subject to approval by the Management Committee.

The Management Committee may refuse membership to any potential member.  Any potential member, who wishes to protest against membership refusal by the Management Committee, has the right to appeal.  Appeals against such a decision will be heard at a meeting of club members and decided by a majority vote.

The General Secretary may waive membership fees for any applicant or member who is suffering extreme hardship, subject to ratification of the Management Committee.

There will be three categories of membership, namely

1) Full members. Active members who will be registered with the relevant association(s) and will have full access to the club’s nominated events, subsidised travel and discount arrangements. 

2) Associate members. Non-active members who have access to subsidised travel and discount arrangements.

3) Life members. The club shall have the power to elect life members. The qualification for life membership being distinguished services rendered to the club. 

  1. Management

The management of the club shall be vested in a Management Committee, made up of Executive Officers and section representatives, consisting of the following positions:

  • Chair
  • Vice-Chair
  • General Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Website, Media & Publicity
  • Coaching Secretary
  • Welfare Officer – Male
  • Welfare Officer – Female
  • Pandemic Officer (executed by a Welfare Officer)
  • Membership Secretary
  • Social Secretary
  • Clubwear Officer
  • Mens Captain
  • Mens Vice Captain
  • Womens Captain
  • Womens Vice Captain

All the listed Management Committee positions are elected at the Annual General Meeting.

The Management Committee will establish an Executive consisting as a minimum of the following officers: – Chair, Vice Chair, General Secretary and Treasurer.

A quorum shall consist of more than half the members of the Management Committee and must include a minimum of two members of the Executive.  The Management Committee shall have the power to fill vacancies if and when they arise.

The Management Committee shall also have the power to co-opt members for particular projects, but co-opted members shall not have a committee vote.

The Management Committee will meet on a minimum 3-monthly basis, with the Executive dealing with any issues that require addressing on an ongoing basis.  The Executive will update the Management Committee of ongoing decisions made at Management Committee meetings.  When the Management Committee cannot be held in person, then they can recommend using an appropriate virtual meeting platform.

The Management Committee will prepare a standard agenda which must include progress reports from the relevant officers and section representatives on the day to day running of the club. Minutes of Management Committee meetings will be made available to all club members through the club email system.

Should the normal operation of the club require suspending due to extreme events curtailing that operation, then the Management Committee shall meet to determine the interim arrangements to allow the club to operate until such time as normal operation can resume.

The Management Committee will make decisions on the basis of a simple majority vote. In the case of equal votes, the Chair shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.

  1. Discipline and behaviour

The Management Committee will hear any complaint made against a member of the club for inappropriate behaviour or conduct or character likely to bring the club into disrepute.  The Management Committee may suspend any member for any period or expel them from membership having heard the complaint against the member.  The affected member has the right to appeal against the decision of the Management Committee for permanent or temporary suspension from the club.  Appeals against such a decision will be heard at a meeting of club members and decided by a majority vote. 

  1. Honorary positions

The Management Committee will receive any nominations from full members for the honorary positions of President and Vice President(s).  The term of office for the President will be for one year, and for Vice Presidents life. Nominations shall be made annually at the AGM, and notification through the AGM Notice with a Proposer and Seconder, or if appropriate through an Extraordinary General Meeting. Nominations can only be made by club members and must be seconded by another club member.

  1. Annual General Meeting

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in January or within two months of the end of the club’s financial year for the purpose of:

  1. Confirming the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and any Extraordinary General Meetings held since the last Annual General Meeting.
  2. Receiving the annual report of the Management Committee from the General Secretary.
  3. Receiving the audited statement of accounts and balance sheet from the Treasurer.
  4. Electing the auditors for the ensuing year.
  5. Electing the Executive Officers and remaining members of the Management Committee for the ensuing year. Should there be any vacancies for members of the Management Committee they can be filled on the night with a Proposer and Seconder.
  6. Considering any amendments to the constitution and rules of which due notice has been given to all members. The General Secretary must receive any proposed changes to the constitution by a member at least 28 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting in order that all members shall have sufficient notice of the proposal.
  7. Receiving nominations for elected Executive Officers and remaining members of the Management Committee and any other item of club business that a member wishes to raise, details of which must be lodged with the General Secretary at least 28 days in writing prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting. Nominations can only be made by club members and must be seconded by another club member.
  8. Reviewing subscription rates and agreeing them for the ensuing year.

The AGM notice giving date and venue and invitation for nominees must be posted 6 weeks in advance of the Annual General Meeting. At least 28 days’ notice must be given for any amendments to the constitution, nominations for President/Vice President(s) and Executive positions and the remaining Management Committee members. The remainder of the Management Committee members will be assumed to be standing unless notifying the General Secretary in writing of standing down. At least 21 days’ notice shall be given to members of the date, venue, and agenda items for the Annual General Meeting.  Each fully paid up club member over 18 years of age on the day of the meeting and present at the meeting shall be eligible to vote.

Decisions made at an Annual General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of votes from those club members attending the meeting.  In the event of equal votes, the Chair shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.

When the AGM cannot be held in person, then the Management Committee can recommend using an appropriate virtual meeting platform.

  1. Affiliation

The club shall seek to be affiliated to the relevant governing bodies in order to carry out the objectives of the club.

  1. Subscriptions

Members pay an annual subscription fee on or before the 1st April each year. The level of the fees for full members and associate members may be adjusted at the Annual General Meeting.  Life members who are active must pay as a minimum the affiliation fee to the relevant association for insurance purposes.  New members must pay the appropriate fees with their application for membership.

Subscriptions for the current year must be paid by the relevant affiliated body’s registration fee deadline before any member can compete for the club.

  1. Non-payment of subscription

Members who have not renewed their subscription before the affiliated body’s registration deadline will be automatically resigned from the club unless prior arrangements have been made for late payment.

Once a member has resigned from the club, they will no longer be registered with the appropriate affiliated body(s), and should they wish to compete will be unattached and will need to pay the appropriate fee.  Resigned members cannot represent the club in any event.

A member who has resigned from the club may, at any time, re-join providing a membership application is made and the relevant membership fee paid.

  1. Resignations

Any member wishing to resign should do so in writing addressed to the Chair or General Secretary.  Resignation will not be accepted when members are financially indebted to the club, either through non-payment of fees, or any other financial debt including items owned by the club which require returning.  In addition, members looking to transfer to another club will be refused the transfer until such time as all financial debts are settled.

  1. Extraordinary General Meeting

The General Secretary or Chair shall call an Extraordinary General Meeting within one month of the receipt of a requisition signed by at least 20 members stating the purpose of the meeting.  The Management Committee also have the right to call an Extraordinary General Meeting.  At least 14 days’ notice shall be given to all fully paid up members of the date, venue and purpose of an Extraordinary General Meeting.

Decisions made at an Extraordinary General Meeting shall be by a simple majority of votes from those Club Members attending the meeting.  In the event of equal votes, the Chair shall be entitled to an additional casting vote.

No other business shall be conducted at such a meeting.

When the Extraordinary General Meeting cannot be held in person, then the Management Committee can recommend using an appropriate virtual meeting platform.

  1. Constitution amendments

No constitution rule may be altered, added to, or deleted except at an Annual General Meeting, or an Extraordinary General Meeting called for that purpose, then only by a two thirds majority of those present and voting.  In all other matters, the club will be governed by the current rules of the governing bodies.  The Management Committee shall decide all questions as to the interpretation of the aforementioned constitution.

  1. Dissolution of the club

If, at any Management Committee meeting of the club, a resolution is passed calling for the dissolution of the club, the General Secretary shall immediately convene an Extraordinary General Meeting of the club to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution.

If, at that Extraordinary General Meeting, the resolution is carried by at least two-thirds of the fully paid up members present at the meeting, the Management Committee shall thereupon, or at such date as shall have been specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the club and discharge all debts and liabilities of the club.

In the event of the dissolution of the club, any assets remaining after the satisfaction of all debts and liabilities shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of the club but shall be given or transferred to one or more of the following approved sporting or charitable bodies:

  1. A registered charitable organisation(s)
  2. Another club which is a registered CASC
  3. The sport’s national governing body for use by them for related community sports.
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